June 1, 2009

Parker Update

Remember that bike we got Parker for his 2nd birthday last year? Well, he's finally learning how to ride it. I guess we jumped the gun on that one last year; he just couldn't understand how to work the pedals. We've tried a few times to teach him, but he didn't seem to pick up anything. Then all of a sudden the other day he just jumped on and started going. Slowly, but he was moving without help. Oh....and by the way, the potty thing is going great. He doesn't even really seem to care about the treats anymore. Going potty is just what we do now. We still have accidents once in a while, but he's wearing undies full time, and everyone is happy about that - especially Dad.


Ashlee said...

Go Parker! Go Parker!

shea said...

Isn't it crazy that our boys are 3 (or almost 3 anyway:) )?? I remember when we were both pregnant with them!! He is so cute!