May 18, 2009

We're Riding the Potty Train

As some of you may remember, we tried potty training Parker just before his second birthday. Failed attempt #1. He had showed some interest, but he just wasn't ready, and we threw too much at him at once with the big move to a toddler bed at the same time. Since that time, he has wanted nothing to do with the potty. A while ago Brandon tried coaxing him with a trip to Wal-Mart, (his favorite place) to get whatever kind of "undies" he wanted. His response was, "I don't need undies Dad, I just got new diapers." So, I decided that we just needed to pick a day, put him in undies, and no turning back. So, on Friday, I started telling Parker that on his birthday when he's three, he gets to wear undies and go on the potty. Well, everything with Parker has to be his idea, so last night he threw a fit and said, "I want to be three and have undies now!" So I jumped on the chance. He's been wearing undies all day, and we went to the store and bought "potty bears" (Teddy Grahams) for a treat when he goes, and Daddy brought home a Thomas the Train potty chart at lunch today. He's doing pretty well; so far there's only three pairs of undies in the dirty clothes. Compared to the number of trips to the potty, that's a pretty big success. Wish us luck!


Brit said...

Oh boy... good luck! That's great it was his idea and it sounds like he is doing good with it so far. I loved that he told Brandon that he didn't need undies because you had just got him diapers:)

Pokemon said...

You'll have to let me know how it goes. We're hoping to have Luke potty trained before baby arrives but we'll see if that happens. He will be 2 years and 8 months when she arrives. I do want it to be his choice though. We'll see I guess.

Way to be brave and just dive in. We're moving slowly but so far I think it is good. He asks to go potty about every other day now and he'll sit on it but has never actually gone. It's progress though. :)

When you've got it all figured out I'd love to hear more tips. I like the idea of the "potty bears".