May 8, 2009

Happy Two Weeks!

On Tuesday we celebrated Paige's two week birthday. We even made chocolate cake and sang with candles and everything, (not that I needed an excuse to make cake.....) the boys thought it was great, (they don't need an excuse to party!). We love having Paige in our family. She's been such a good baby! She only gets up once a night, has been feeding well, and she's been growing like crazy. At her two week checkup she weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. That's almost a whole pound more than when she was born! And, isn't she pretty? Her brothers love her too. Parker likes to hold her, and he'll say things like, "It's okay Paige. I'll take care of you." Andrew can even say her name. He's funny, he doesn't kiss her, he licks her head and then smacks his lips. I guess she tastes good. We love you sister!


Matt & Emily said...
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Pokemon said...

What a doll. She is beautiful. That is so nice that she is a wonderful sleeper. I wish that for our next bundle of joy. Luke wasn't the best sleeper in the world. We'll find out Monday if we're having a boy or a girl. I am super excited.

P.S. I commented on a few posts down as well. :)

Ashlee said...

Oh she is so cute! I love hearing how your boys are doing with her too. You need a shot of the licking. THat sounds hillarious.