April 24, 2009


Paige Morgan arrived Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 3:08 p.m. She weighed 5 lb. 13 oz. and is 18 in. long. We are so excited to finally have our baby girl here!
The induction went really well, and when all was said and done she came pretty quickly. I love those kind of labors; I didn't really feel much pain at all. Can you believe how teeny weeny she is? I certainly never thought I'd have a baby that small. None in my family have been; she must get that from her Daddy.
I think she already has Daddy wrapped around her little finger. It's so fun to have a girl around. Crazy as it sounds, I already feel a special "girl bond" with her.
I was so glad she was born with hair like the boys. I thought it would be really unfair for her brothers to have such beautiful hair and then to have a bald girl!
I love these first bath shots. Her cry is so cute it just makes me laugh.
The boys got to come see us at the hospital. Parker loved her right away and was so proud to hold her. Andrew was just glad to see me, and I don't think he honestly even noticed her much.
Can you see the family resemblance? We go back and forth on who we think she looks like. When she was first born we both thought she looked just like Drew. But, it seems like every time she makes a new face we see different features coming through. I think she looks like a pretty good mix of her brothers.
Luckily I've been feeling great, so we got to go home Wednesday afternoon. I was missing my boys, and they missed me too! This was Paige's first outfit. Aren't girl clothes so much fun?
And, the carseat shot. I love how tiny she is in this! The carseat doesn't feel any heavier with her in it. We are so excited that Paige is in our family! Brandon and I have both felt immediately that she belongs and was meant to come to our family. Our home already feels more complete with her here. Her brothers have been so sweet with her too, and love her already. Drew finally noticed her today and wanted to stroke her head, and lick her face! It was pretty cute. Parker can't get enough of her either. He loves to "carry my baby Paige". Welcome home baby girl!


Ashlee said...

Yay! Yay! Pictures, Yay! Thanks for getting these up so quick! Here are my thoughts on this lovely post:

A- You are beautiful. No one ever looked so pretty who just had a baby! You glow in these pictures even more than when you were pregnant. The one of you looking at her made me cry. I can tell how much you love her.

B- So weird that she's a girl! I always pictured you with boys... you have been so good as a boy mom you know? I can't wait to see you and Brandon both with a girl! I wonder if I will ever get to see myself with one...

C- She is a doll. I can't believe how SMALL she is! Holy cow! What do you do with a 5 pounder? I don't even know!

D- I love you and am so happy for you! I hope we see each other soon.

Brit said...

Yay! Little Paige is FINALLY here! She is such a little dolly I love it! So tiny and precious. You look like a rock star by the way. I can't believe you had just had a baby in those pictures. You look absolutely beautiful and the way you look at her warms my heart. Your hair looks really cute too!

I love how sweet Parker is with her. Drew will be that way too when he is a little older. Such sweet little boys. I hope you are feeling good and that you are finding some time to rest. I love ya!

Brit said...

PS- LOVE all that hair! It will be so fun to do girlie things with it!

Pokemon said...

I just wanted to add in a big Congrats! I always liked the name Paige. :)

She is adorable and tiny and I totally agree with the other two, you look awesome.

Good luck with all of the transitions of the first couple of weeks.


Ashlee said...

I am so glad you want to join the book club! I was going to talk to you about it but I figured you had your hands pretty full at the moment. I think I am going to be choosing the book for may. Scary! I don't have any clue what to suggest. I am reading David Copperfield right now though and LOVING it. Oh that Mr. Dickens sure can write!

Ashlee said...

oh, and by the by did Shayla get you set up to be a contributor to the blog? If she did then magically when you log in to blogger you will see it as one of your blogs. I'm not sure how to do it or I would do it myself for you.

Matt & Emily said...

I forget that you are blogging again! I love the pictures of your beautiful baby! What a fun family! We can't wait to see you guys this summer and to come out to Vernal for the blessing and to see your house! We miss you and are so excited about your little family! Take care and we'll see you!