March 29, 2009

Weekend Warriors

My boys had a big project this weekend. Brandon cut down a big juniper tree in front of our house that we didn't like. We have big plans to redo the landscaping of our yard, and this was the start. So after he got the tree cut down, he enlisted the help of Parker to haul all of the branches to the backyard. It was so cute to watch Parker do some big boy work with his Daddy. Brandon would be hauling two big huge limbs and here would come Parker trudging along with a little branch, but by the look on his face, you would have thought he was hauling the whole tree. Every time he put his branch on the pile he would turn and say, "I need another branch Dad." It always amazes me how long this kid is willing to work. He would go all day to do something big and be like Daddy.
This is how big the pile was when they were done. I'm so proud of my hardworking boys! They got a lot done for one Saturday, and had lots of fun!


Brit said...

Glad to have you back! I miss you and the boys so much. I can't believe Paige is almost here! She is going to be so stinking cute. I loved the pic of Parker helping Brandon... priceless.

Ashlee said...

That is one hard worker you have there! That's a quality that will serve him his whole life I bet. Also I just want to say that I love that he cooks with you, and I think it's so cool that you get to eat all your meals together! I'm jealous!