November 6, 2008


These are some fun pictures from Halloween.....again, sorry they're out of order, blogger seems to have changed since I haven't used it much. Anyway..... here's a closeup of our pumpkins that we carved.

Dad and the boys with the finished pumpkins

Andrew didn't think much of the carving process. I gave him some "guts" to play with, and he thought they were pretty gross.

Parker, on the other hand loved "scoopin' a guts" and he kept saying "eww guts!"

He was pretty enthrawled watching Dad carve too, which of course Dad couldn't just do with a knife. It was a good excuse to get out the Dremel.

My cute little puppy dog! He loved the costume and looked so cute! It was Parker's costume from last year, and when Parker saw it, he wanted to wear it too. He thought it looked like more fun than his cowboy costume.

This was the only picture I could get Parker to pose for. We went to the ward trunk or treat and Parker got tons of candy. Honestly, more candy than he's ever seen in his life. At first he didn't want to hold out his sack to anyone, until he figured out what they were putting in. Then it was pretty cool.

We had a fun Halloween and hope you all did too!

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