November 6, 2008

First Snow of the Year!

We woke up to snow yesterday! It wasn't very much, and was melted by lunchtime, but Parker was excited, so we made sure to get out and play in it. Andrew wasn't so sure about it though, it took him a while to come play with us.

This was his first attempt at leaving the porch.

He just sat here for about 15 min. before he decided to give the snow a try.

Parker had fun "diggin' a snowman" instead of digging in the dirt like we usually do.

Parker kicking his soccer ball.

The overall view of the snow in our backyard.

I have to say, it was so nice to have our own yard of snow to play in rather than having to go to the park and play in snow that was already messed up. We love having our own yard!

And, last but not least, the getting ready to go outside shot. Andrew was less than thrilled, and Parker just wanted mom to hurry up and get outside. Aren't they cute?! Parker's clothes seemed to fit him lots better than last year, but it seems Andrew has some growing to do.

1 comment:

Amberlin Gefrom said...

I am so jealous I want snow!!