January 20, 2008

Just My Luck

So, I'm here in Utah County again, visiting the fam. Of course I was looking forward to the opportunity of having the internet at my parents house to blog away, and just my luck! The camera battery died after one post, and I didn't bring the charger! So, you guys are still stuck looking at Christmas pictures. I had some way cute pictures of Christmas day, and some new ones of the boys I wanted to put up, but I guess it will have to wait! Until then, here's the update on us. We're finally all together again! Yay!! We made the big move the weekend after Christmas, (not a fun time to move, but then again, when is?) and we're so glad to be living together full time. The boys missed having their Daddy around for sure; mom just doesn't know how to play like a boy. It's been really cold at our house, (like below zero some days) so we don't get out much. I'm definetly looking forward to warmer weather and springtime! I guess we'll just have to make the best of it until then. Thank heavens for play groups and story time! Look forward to more updates later......I'm so sad about the camera battery! I've missed being able to blog, and now I have all this time and no cute pictures! Oh well......

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Bummer, Kate. Can't wait to see more pictures! Also, I am SO with you about the cold! It has been
-14 here the last two mornings and hasn't gotten above 10 degrees! We are trapped inside and I am getting SO sick of it!!! I cannot wait for warmer weather. I just feel like a slug. Let's pray for an early spring, what do you say? :)