December 1, 2007

Parker's First Romp in the Snow

When we woke up to our first snowstorm of the season today, I was determined to let Parker get out and play in the snow. So, we made the trip into town for the necessities. He already had the coat, but we needed snow pants, a hat, and gloves. We had to hit a couple of the time we got out and about the selection was getting slim, but we finally got them! This is the shot of Parker ready to go outside.
I love this shot. It reminds me of Randy from "A Christmas Story". "Mom! I can't put my arms down!" Besides the "Hurry up and take the picture so we can go" face.

Parker had a great time. He wasn't too sure what the snow was all about at first, but it didn't take him long to warm up to it. The first snowball Mom threw at him was pretty rude, but after that it was funny. We had to pose with Dad by the pretty snow covered tree.

We have a slide on our playground and Brandon thought he might like to go down it in the snow. It was hilarious. Between the snow on the slide, and his slippery pants he was down the slide in about two seconds. He loved it! It has a bump about halfway down, and one time he went down so fast he caught some air off of it. I was laughing, and Parker just had this big smile on his face.

He kind of had a hard time walking around because of his bulky clothes and the slippery snow, so we had a few falls, but he took it all in stride! He had a great time playing in the snow. As long as the winter weather holds up I'm sure this will become a regular activity for us.


Lindsi said...

Parker looks like the little boy on The Christmas Story all bundled up to go outside! His arms poke out and everything! That makes me happy! :)

Lindsi said...

Okay, I got a little overexcited and commented before I finished ready your post. I'm like that. A little overzealous. Sorry.