December 6, 2007

He's a VIP in our Family!

I noticed that Parker is beginning to hog up the blog again, so I thought I'd do another post about Andrew. Besides, I love any excuse to post pictures of my cute kids! These Christmas pajamas are a favorite outfit of mine as well. Andrew is growing so fast, and he is the happiest baby! If anyone looks at him, but especially his brother, he just turns inside out with smiles. Parker has even gotten him to laugh a few times. The two of them are really starting to be aware of each other, which is fun to watch. Andrew has a little baby set of keys, and the other day Parker was putting them in his hands, clapping for him, and then taking them back. Andrew just laughed and smiled at him, and they did this over and over. Andrew is also trying to learn to roll the other way now, from back to tummy. He can pretty much do it, but the problem is that when he's just about there, he notices his toes. He loves his toes! They are pretty much always in his mouth. That's the update on Andrew! We love him so much!


Ashlee said...

What a smart boy! I like the key story. It's so good your little ones are so close in age. I bet they will just be the best of friends. :)

Lindsi said...

Hey! That is the same face I make when picture are taken! I am so happy! :)