November 13, 2007


I haven't had much time to blog lately, so this post is going to be a random update on the goings on of our family. If it's boring to read, I'm sorry, but I use this blog kind of like a journal.

Brandon is enjoying his new job in Vernal, and we're still at home missing him! He at least has been able to enjoy a little hunting in his spare time without us. He has recently kicked the World of Warcraft habit though. The housing market is ridiculously expensive out there right now, not to mention the fact that we're still stuck in our lease here. But, we've been going out to visit a lot lately, which has helped. I'm actually starting to enjoy the two and a half hour drive out there. The boys are usually pretty good in the car if I can make the trip during naptime, so it gives me a lot of time to think. It's funny, lately I can't help but think of the movie "Cars" while I'm on the curvy two-lane highway 40. Since that movie came out, I like to picture cars with faces and personalities. I also wondered on this last trip which car I'd be most like. I think I'd like to say I'm like Sally.....the cute romantic car that takes life seriously, but honestly I'm not. I probably used to be most like Lightning Mcqueen, trying to make the drive as fast as I could and getting to my destination without caring where I'd been along the way. But, I think that now I'm most like Mini, (the van that drives through Radiator Springs with her husband who is lost) because she likes to notice all the cute quirky things along the way, but still doesn't care quite enough to stop. Some of my favorite things about the drive.....
  1. Strawberry - what a pretty lake! It takes my breath away every time.
  2. The mailboxes along the highway. They're few and far between, and the houses they belong to are far enough off the highway that you usually can't see them, but they crack me up. There is one that doesn't have a name on it, it simply says "Jesus Saves". I haven't figured out if someone is trying to share a spiritual message, or if it belongs to a church off the highway that I just can't see. My other favorite one just says "Sam". No last name or anything.
  3. Looking out for the Duchesne cop. It's like playing "Where's Waldo?" Without fail I have seen one EVERY single drive there and back. They're serious about the speed limit in that town! (By the way, it is the one town along the way where you have to slow to like 30-35 m.p.h. the rest are at least 45 I think.)
  4. Laughing at the funny favorite, just outside of Duchesne is an ad for Rebel Bail Bonds, proudly serving all of Utah. I don't know why, it just makes me laugh. It also makes me laugh that almost everything out there is "The Best of the Basin!" or "Dinoland's -something".
So, that's my drive in a nutshell. Enough about that.....on to the kids!

I figured out why Parker has been having a hard time with naps. He is getting 5, (that's right, count 'em up!) teeth all at once right now! It's pretty sad. Four big molars and one little tooth on the bottom in front. The big ones gave him a really hard time a first, being sore and giving him a fever, but now he seems to be okay. We're just dealing with the aftermath of ruined sleep habits. He thinks it's fun to get up at 5:00 a.m. for a bottle and go back to sleep, and nap whenever he wants, (or not at all). This week I've decided is baby boot camp. We're going back to the old ways and breaking those bad habits! I'll let you know how that goes. :)

Andrew is just as good and sweet as ever! Parker still loves to give him hugs and kisses. Drew is now a pro at rolling from his tummy to his back. He has yet to try the other way around.

That's pretty much the update on us for the last couple of weeks. Now we're just getting excited for the Holidays! Yes, I have been secretly listening to Christmas music since two weeks before Halloween, but I'm saving the decorations for the day after Thanksgiving! More updates to come!


Lindsi said...

I love your blog. I love being reminded of all the reasons I love being your friend. Your obsession with Christmas, your random thoughts, the funny things you appreciate. I just love ya Kate. I also think it is so great that you think about Cars and what character you are. I have thought about that before and decided I am 'Mater. Goofy, doesn't think before he speaks or acts, loves the randomest things, and quirky. Just thought you might be interested to know I think about it too. :)

katers said...

Hey Lindsi, I love that you like to read that kind of random stuff! I mostly put that post on there for myself, and figured most people would get bored reading it and skip it!