November 25, 2007

Happy Turkey Day

We started out our Thanksgiving Day festivities with breakfast at Grandma and Poppy Smith's house. There was a whole tribe of indians there! We even had a pirate at one point.
After breakfast, (yummy cinnamon chip french toast, fruit, and ham) we got the whole rapidly growing Smith fam together for a quick photo. We added three grandkids to the family just this year bringing the total up to nine!
All the kids had fun playing in the leaves outside even though it was freezing cold! Parker actually snuck out on us once without a coat on. When we found him, he was shivering and had blue lips, but he still threw a fit about going inside.
Then we headed up to Great Grandma Morgan's for Thanksgiving dinner. It was super yummy!
Notice that Parker had a hard time sharing any of the balls with the other kids. He kept a close watch on these.

....and a quick pose with Grandpa and Grandma Morgan. The boys were pretty well ready for bed by this point. Holidays can be crazy, but it was so much fun to see everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Ashlee said...

So cute :) I love the pics with the kids, and also I like your new picture of the family on the side :) You guys are cute as ever!

ps: look for an e-mail from me tonight. If I don't do it tonight I will shoot my own foot.... explanations as to why it took forever to write will be in the e-mail..