October 23, 2007

Our Little Maestro

This is Parker's new hobby. He's discovered that he LOVES to play the piano. Now, we're not ready for Letterman yet, but he sure enjoys it. He will seriously spend half an hour at a time, (at least twice a day) doing this. For a kid with an attention span as short as his, that's saying something! So much for saying that kids want to play with the least expensive toy, huh? Let's just hope he likes "practicing" this much when I really decide to teach him how to play!

By the way, the lei was totally his idea, (seriously).

He also figured out where the volume control is very quickly. Mom spends a lot of time turning it down so we don't annoy the neighbors!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

It doesn't surprise me he is attracted to the piano. You guys have the musical talent in the family.

Watch out Maestro...Here come the doodle.......