September 17, 2007

Parker's UH-OH!

Okay, so I know a lot of people have heard this story.....but I think this one deserves to go down in history on the blog. I will apologize to my son who will someday hate me for this, but I couldn't resist!

A while back, I put Parker down for a nap in just a was a warm day, I thought it would be more comfortable for him. (Can anyone tell yet this is my first child?) When he woke up, I was innocently folding laundry. He was just in there chatting quietly to himself so I thought as long as he sounded happy, I'd leave him for a minute so I could put the clothes away. I should have known that some sort of quiet mischief was going on in there, seeing as usually he's not so happy to be left in his crib too long after he wakes up. When I walked past his door, I could smell something terrible. However, I just thought I'd have a really yucky diaper to change in a minute and kept putting clothes away. When I finally did go in his room, I found that Parker had removed his diaper, (which was lying there clean) and then pooped. He thought it was hilarious and smeared it all over the crib. When I walked in he laughed and smiled at me like he was having so much fun. I just stood there dumbfounded for a moment, trying to decide whether to laugh, cry, or yell. Then while he was smiling at me he started to whiz all over. I couldn't resist any more. He had the cutest smile on, and I had to clean it up whether I laughed or I decided to laugh. He didn't know he was doing anything wrong and it was pretty funny! But I couldn't resist taking a few pictures before I cleaned up. I called Brandon at work to tell him about it. His comment was, "Well, at least he didn't eat any of it." But, if you'll look at the picutres, I'm not entirely sure we can say that didn't happen.

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