September 19, 2007

Brotherly Love

This morning I was sitting next to Parker on the couch burping Andrew, and Parker decided he wanted to help, (he does that a lot). So, he patted him for a minute and then decided he wanted a snuggle, so he pulled him in close. I couldn't get him to let go! Every time I took Andrew away, Parker threw a fit. So, I took a picture, it was so cute. I'm glad Parker loves his brother so much. Hopefully Andrew doesn't mind playing peekaboo!


Lindsi said...

Did you know I am such a horrible friend I have never even seen Parker. I seriously struggle. I hope you are doing great and your boys are adorable! What's your number now? I will give you a call when I am in Orem.

Hannah said...

Yea!! I'm so glad you're blogging now! What adorable boys, Katie! I wish we were all closer so our kids could play.

Hannah said...

Oh! And you should add our blog to your